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Nation in Conversation – Mitigating Risk

  • 18 May 2016
  •  Nation in Conversation
  •  2278

The final session of Nation in Conversation on day one of the Nampo Harvest Day in Bothaville had representatives from John Deere, Engen, Nedbank, The Climate Corporation and Monsanto agreeing that the best way to mitigate risk in agriculture was to have an integrated solution where all the players in the food value chain pool their knowledge. “The best way to deal with uncertainty is to share what you know,” said John Deere MD Sub Saharan Africa Jason Brantley.

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Nasie in Gesprek – Risikobestuur

  • 18 May 2016
  •  Nasie in Gesprek
  •  1889

Die laaste sessie van vandag se Nasie in Gesprek tydens dag een van Nampo Oesdag in Bothaville het verteenwoordigers van John Deere, Engen, Nedbank, The Climate Corporation en Monsanto ingesluit, wat almal saamgestem het dat die beste manier om risiko’s in landbou te verminder, is om ‘n geïntegreerde oplossing te hê waar al die rolspelers in die voedselwaardeketting hul kennis deel. “Die beste manier om onsekerheid te hanteer is om te deel wat jy weet,” het die Besturende Direkteur van John Deere Sub-Sahara Afrika, Jason Brantley, gesê.

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