NAMPO 2024 | All the details on Nampo 14 - 17 May 2024

Day 1 | 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM


  • Discussion Points: International challenge International challenges and trends that impact us locally: Charting the path forward Agriculture is not a world in and of itself, it is part of the global economy. Join us as we delve into the pressing uncertainties shaping global agriculture and impacting us here in South Africa – climate change & changing weather patterns, geopolitical tensions, global markets, and logistics on macro scale. Our panel will analyse international trends to find the lessons for South African producers and agribusinesses, allowing for proactive rather than reactive strategic thinking, adaption, and resilience.s and trends that impact us locally: Charting the path forward

  • Anchor: Anlie Hattingh

Day 2 | 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Optimising Farmer Support Services.

  • Discussion Points: Behind the scenes: Building a strong back office for farmers Discover the essential support services that form the backbone of successful farming operations. From financial management to technical assistance and technical integration, our panel will explore the intricacies of a well-equipped farmer’s back office and will offer practical insights into optimising support systems for improved productivity and profitability.

  • Anchor: Anlie Hattingh

Day 2 | 13:00 PM - 14:15 PM

Elections and agriculture: impact and expectations.

  • Discussion Points: The ballot box and the farm: Navigating the road ahead With South Africa poised for an upcoming election in May 2024, join us for a timely discussion on the implications for agriculture and the broader economy. Our panel of experts will analyse how agriculture features in various political party manifestos, potential policy shifts post elections, assess the impact on farmers and rural communities, and explore strategies for navigating political transitions in a dynamic agricultural landscape.

  • Anchor: Theo Vorster

Day 3 | 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Collaborative solutions in times of adversity

  • Discussion Points: Harnessing collective wisdom for resilience In challenging times, collaboration and innovation are essential for overcoming adversity in agriculture. It is also essential to transformation and collective growth. Join our panel as we explore smart strategies for fostering cooperation, sharing resources, and finding creative solutions to common challenges. From cooperative ventures to knowledge-sharing networks, discover how farmers can and do work together to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

  • Anchor: Waldimar Pelser

Day 3 | 13:00 PM - 14:15 PM

Commitment and impact: making a difference in South Africa

  • Discussion Points: Empowering rural futures: The role of investment in agricultural development Join us for an insightful exploration of the transformative power of Nation in Conversation and the impact its sponsors have in rural South Africa. This panel discussion will shed light on the crucial role played by sponsors in supporting agricultural initiatives and driving positive change in rural communities. From empowering smallholder farmers to fostering sustainable development, our panellists will share their perspectives on the aims, objectives, and impact of their programmes, showcasing real-world examples of success and innovation.

  • Anchor: Theo Vorster