NEWS | Latest news articles

Youth: technology and strategies for the future

  • 19 September 2022
  •  Nation in Conversation
  •  2169

The future success of any sector in the digital age is determined largely by its adoption of technology and its strategy for adapting to ever-changing variables. The same is true of the agriculture sector. So how are we integrating the youth into our strategies for production, research and policy? Who are the decision-makers, the change-makers, the fresh-thinkers and the action-takers? And how do we reimagine the whole sector for an often-uncertain tomorrow?

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Landelike veiligheid: JY maak die verskil

  • 19 September 2022
  •  Nasie in Gesprek
  •  1828

Plaasaanvalle en geweld in landelike gebiede het ʼn merkbare impak op produksie en die volhoubaarheid van die sektor, wat dringende ingryping vereis. Om werklike landelike veiligheid te bereik, sal ʼn veelsydige benadering vereis waarin oplossings gevind word vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, plaasveiligheid asook veiligheid in die huis. Tydens ʼn Nasie in Gesprek besprekingsessie het ʼn paneel kundiges gesels oor lesse wat reeds geleer is en maniere om toekomstige voorvalle te voorkom.

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Wintergrane: ʼn hupstoot vir gars

  • 18 September 2022
  •  Nasie in Gesprek
  •  2684

Rusland se inval in die Oekraïne plaas spesiale fokus op die Wes-Kaap se winteroesseisoen van 2022/23 met geleenthede wat ontstaan om die binnelandse produksie van veral gars, ʼn hupstoot te gee. Die kern is om te verseker dat gars volhoubaar met ander gewasse meeding, dat die voorsienningsketting doeltreffend werk en dat risiko’s so ver moontlik beperk word terwyl goeie kwaliteit oeste gelewer word. Hoewel goeie reënval tydens die plantseisoen beduidend positief was, sal verhoogde insetkoste en veranderlike weerstoestande ʼn groot rol speel in die bepaling van ʼn goeie seisoen, te midde van internasionale tekorte.

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Economic collision course: driver or driven?

  • 15 September 2022
  •  Nation in Conversation
  •  1574

The impact of global markets on South Africa’s growth trajectory cannot be underestimated, but many role-players in the local Agri sector are pushing for a more proactive approach to economic policy, rather than merely reacting to events and conditions beyond our control. This calls for a united goal, and a concerted, collective effort from Agri organisations, agribusinesses, and producers alike, to drive more favourable conditions.

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The fresh face of rural revival

  • 15 September 2022
  •  Nation in Conversation
  •  1452

Rural communities are essential for the equitable growth of agriculture in South Africa, however dwindling job opportunities have reduced the economic base of these communities, resulting in disrepair and decay. To save these communities and ultimately bring them into the fold of production, we need to reduce urbanization, drawing people back to work and living in spaces they can be proud of and that speak of dynamic transformation and inclusive growth.

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Infrastructure: opportunities amid the obstacles

  • 14 September 2022
  •  Nation in Conversation
  •  1773

Deteriorating roads, rail, and ports are constraining producers and agribusinesses alike, crippling productivity, market access and often profitability. In many instances, answers and solutions have been found in take-charge private-public partnerships and even community/producer-led out-of-pocket interventions.

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